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Why SEO is important in Digital Marketing


Introduction to SEO Just imagine having an outlet without having any signage onto it – no name, no windows…nothing in particular. You would expect people may drop in out of curiosity, looking for product A, whereas you are selling product B. Now, when you have a shop with a proper name and probably the product […]

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Advantages of Social Media Marketing For Your Business


1. Branding  Social media helps in adding brand recognition and visibility. It gives you an opportunity to market your brand to new customers each day instead of targeting the same old customers with marketing messages or promotions. By creating profiles on all the major social media platforms, you’ll be able to increase your business’s visibility […]

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Digital Marketing and Its Importance for E-Commerce Businesses.


Digital Marketing has taken the marketing world entirely by storm. Businesses are increasingly using digital marketing practices to increase their brand knowledge, build a client base, and get a higher Return On Investment (ROI), as compared to traditional marketing techniques. This is especially true fore-commerce businesses. However, there are multiple reasons why you should have […]

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“ Email Marketing: What is it? and How Does it Work? ”

Audio Post Example


Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Choosing the right features for your customWelcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!Habitasse per feugiat aliquam luctus accumsan curae, suspendisse aliquam taciti eros neque, aenean sit iaculis risus commodo ut sociosqu rhoncus […]

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